Joke for kids

Say all these to your parents especially when they’re together and looking good,

Hey you motherfucking faggots, go fuck yourself
you two are cocksuckers, titsuckers, shiteaters and mother stabbers. you have a big cock on your forehead and cunt on your neck
haha kiss my ass, hey your shit is stinkin’ on your big butts, I wanna cut your heads now

then say this to your father
I wanna cut your cock now with a chainsaw and murder you now, fucking motherfucker, you are a titsucker just as I said, and a cocksucker too

and this is for your mother
I wanna tape your cunt and kick your ass full of stinkin’ shit and smash your tits with a baseball bat

this could be a great present at christmas, valentines day mother and father’s day and other special holidays

this would make them so happy that they will give you a mansion

What do you think ?
